home study visit #1

It’s such a relief to feel like we’re moving forward again with the adoption process. For the last month we have felt a bit in limbo because there wasn’t much more we could do until our renovations were more complete. Today we had our first of three home study visits with our amazing social worker. The first two visits are done via Zoom, which takes a lot of the pressure off. Today’s chat was 2.5hrs of chatting! Thomas and I are notorious chatty pants and our social worker is the same way, so it ended up being a really fun morning of necessary chat and also just getting to know each other.

We continue this conversation at the end of the month, and then have our final and most important in-person visit in early October. During this visit she will see our home, chat with us, our kids, as well as one of our references who will come out that day too. Having this date on the calendar is hugely helpful, as it gives us a firm deadline of when work needs to be complete. We have been working hard to clean up the outside of the house/gardens (so much dirt moving, weeding, and mulching) and are working hard on the inside too. There have been lots of unexpected hurdles, but also amazingly kind contractors and people who want to help us get our girl home as quickly as possible.


cutest big brothers!


father’s day with tippi